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Misha Martinek

Misha‛s life with yoga began in 2006 when the first Bikram Yoga studio opened in the Czech Republic and she first took lessons. This was partly out of curiosity, partly from long-term health problems (problems with the lumbar and cervical spine, injured shoulder). Positive results were almost immediate and yoga completely captivated Misha. Bikram Yoga increased the flexibility of her body to release all of stiff joints and overall improved attitude and posture. Misha also credits Bikram Yoga with giving her better hair, nails and skin.

Misha travels frequently and there is nothing more amazing than that you work can out anywhere in the world in the familiar environment and atmosphere of Bikram Yoga. Her enthusiasm has resulted in the completion of the Teacher Training course under the guidance of instructor Bikram Choudhury in 2008. Since that time Misha has actively engaged in further education, gaining experience and physical and mental development.

yoga helps her fight with everyday work stress, physically handle long trip by car and sitting in an office chair. It‛s a way to inner peace and openness toward others.

Favorite Posture
The triangle has become my favorite posture, but I first went through a tough fight with it, I gave up and had to try it again and again. Indeed, it is the most complex situation of all. Triangle opened up my hips and chest, increased my balance, extended my calf muscles, and made my feelings of dizziness disappear. I built my shoulder muscles and learn to breathe effectively. My original hatred has become a real passion.
