Championships 2012


Sunday 24 April 2012 was the first public Yoga Asana Championship in the Czech Republic. The all-day event culminating in the actual championship in the shopping center Chodov.

The aim of organizing yoga championship in a public place for this year was to promote yoga as a sport discipline and not just a matter of enlightened spiritual yoga.

The program, which included interviews with interesting personalities from Bikram Yoga, and examples of teacher-led lessons, accompanied superbly orchestrated duo Michael and Hana Klein Koutny.

21 women and 6 men participated in the Hatha yoga competition.

In addition to the competition the audience had the opportunity to see a dance performance group led by Leona Kvaši Kvasnicové, singing performances from Margaret Konvičková and inspiring demonstration from the world Yoga Asana Champion 2011 from Los Angeles, Joseph Encinia.

The winning woman was Tomášková Lucie, second place was Anna Čadkova and third place went to to Natalie Badie. In the men's category the winner was Ondrej Hartman, Paul Hakl followed in second place and Dusan Jelinek in third place.

Champions in the first and second places represented the Czech Republic at the World Yoga Asana Championship in Los Angeles, where Ondrej Hartman was among the top 10. This is one of our great champions thanks for the amazing performance, hard work and excellent international representation!
